Here you will find all of the Proclamations, Notices, Grievances and other useful resources pertaining to the road to statehood and what New California stands for.
New California State was formed in 2017 and on January 15, 2018 declared Independence from the state of California following Article IV, Section 3 of the United States Constitution. In the New California State declaration there are 95 Grievances which list the reasons why New Californians are seeking independence from the state of California.
Over the course of 96 weeks since the reading of the January 15, 2018 declaration of Independence New Californians read 95 grievances.
On November 19, 2019 New Californians gathered together around the state to read the final 95th Grievance.
A final reading was held in Sonoma, CA which in 1846 was the site of the "Bear Flag Revolt".
November 19, 2019 was also the 156 anniversary of the reading of the Gettysburg Address by President Abraham Lincoln.

NCS holds biweekly zoom calls feature featuring Paul Preston and Chriss Street of New California State. Meetings cover the financial status of California, progress updates, guest speakers, Q&A and much more...
Public Conference calls are Wednesday & Sunday of each week (with a few announced exceptions including major holidays.) The calls open at 7:00 pm PST and start at 7:15 pm.
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Upon becoming a member of NCS, you will receive a reminder in your email regarding the
Public Conference call meeting.​